Yesterdays upgrade to DFKChain went smoothly and without issue.

18 Mar 2023, 21:56
Yesterdays upgrade to DFKChain went smoothly and without issue. With that, we are now preparing the final stage of Tokenomics 2.0, per the governance vote, which is the distribution of Locked CRYSTAL! Locked CRYSTAL will be distributed on Monday, March 20th, with an announcement when it is complete. With this distribution, we will also be adding the new UI options shown in the last couple AMAs, with the ability to claim your Locked CRYSTAL in the Jeweler of DFKChain, as well as the ability to unlock those tokens, also in the Jeweler. Unlock itself will begin on Wednesday, March 22nd, at 8pm EDT. As a reminder, unlocking will take place linearly over 1 year, starting Wednesday. Your locked balance does not become entirely available on Wednesday. The percentage of your balance you can unlock is a function of the last time you unlocked and the remaining days before the unlocking end date. Be sure to claim your Locked CRYSTAL before unlocking tokens to apply the unlock to your new balance. If you claim after unlocking some amount, the claimed tokens will be treated as if they belonged to the portion that couldn't be unlocked yet. For a refresher on your owed balance from the distribution, please check this spreadsheet. Quantities in the sheet use the full 18 decimal places, meaning the decimal point belongs 18 digits in from the right. The Median distributed quantity is 13 Locked CRYSTAL. The average distribution, excluding project wallets, is 1633 Locked CRYSTAL. Lastly, this will also include the updates to the transferAll function mentioned in the last couple AMAs. Namely, it will now only transfer Locked balances, not unlocked, and you will only be able to transfer to wallets who have already approved your address as a sender. This will all still be handled through the Manager at the Jeweler. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we worked through the various options to accomplish this and we are excited to complete the final phase of the updated tokenomics vote.