New Features. - Added Hero daily duel limit for each Duel type when selecting Heroes. Coming Up.

22 Dec 2022, 07:23
New Features - Added Hero daily duel limit for each Duel type when selecting Heroes Coming Up As promised, here’s a quick list of additional items that are in progress. And a reminder that we will be moving away from a set release schedule and instead launching large features when they are properly tested and ready for prime time (this list is not in any particular order and doesn’t represent all items being worked on). - Serendale Duels and Raffles - Level 10 Profession quests / Pet feeding and utility - PVP combat and integration - Power-up Framework - Hero Hub UI rework - Gardens UI rework - Profile Achievements - Green Egg Pet Art 😍 We wish you all a happy Holiday Season from the DFK team! We’re forever grateful for your support and for your memes (hint hint). And as always, godspeed and good questing! PS. In regards to Serendale Duel, we are still working through some final tweaks and testing before the launch there. Additional info will be provided as we have it. Thanks!