Kujo's Quick and Dirty @DeFiKingdoms AMA Write-Up – 06/01/23. Magnus. - Gas optimization for Quest v3. Top of our minds.

02 Jun 2023, 10:05
Kujo's Quick and Dirty @DeFiKingdoms AMA Write-Up 06/01/23 Magnus - Gas optimization for Quest v3. Top of our minds. - Plan is to give periodic updates on gas optimization, instead of waiting for one big release - Been addressing low hanging fruit as well as refactoring big issues - Next week expect the first of those updates, if not earlier. - It is a high priority. Question 1 What are your thoughts on single sided Dark Summoning / Hero Sacrifice. If I Sacrifice a Hero, it impacts summoning remaining, class, etc. Hubert - We’ve been discussing this. Extra Hero burning features. This one is an idea with merit, but we need time to focus on it. Depends on priorities, but we’re not focused on adding new burn mechanics just yet. Question 2 On prioritizing burn mechanics what are your thoughts on where that priority is? Hubert - Understands the concerns. Focused on the Combat System (which leads to future gameplay features). This is a higher priority, to get out more engaging gameplay. - We want to attract new users. - Burning is important, but limited ‘bandwidth’ on what we can focus on at any given time. - Solutions sound simple, but they’re not that easily implemented. Question 3 Any update on Level 10 Mining and Yellow Eggs? Hubert - It’s in the pipeline. Waiting on pet art (it’s time intensive). - Focused on taking care of Combat system, which is drawing labor from that. - There are a couple of other things first that are coming out. Can’t say what they are yet. Question 4 Can we get a more defined definition of a “tick” in the speed formula? Hubert - A “tick” itself is a generic time unit. It doesn’t mean anything but where you put the lines on your ruler. - A Hero’s turn doesn’t have to occur exactly on its tick. It could land on 2.76. It’s not discrete. - Think of it like a generic time that is continuous. The next Hero’s turn might 2.56 or 5.70. Those numbers won’t be displayed as numbers. - Turn order will be intuitive and displayed. Question 5 When can we expect hero sorting? Beetle - I do have an idea and I mentioned it before. - Sorry I didn’t do it earlier. Expect it in the next few minutes. Question 6 Will Skill 10, is there a reason behind not increasing the requirement to enter them? Hubert - We would have been going back on what we planned them for. - It took longer, but that doesn’t impact the original plan. - Travel will make better quests more complicated to access. Question 7 Will the next higher quest have the same? Bolon - No. Check previous answer. Question 8 Thoughts on having the Tavern in Jewel or Klay, instead of Jade or Crystal? Hubert - Possible. Jewel could use more utility. - However, taking away utility from Jade and Crystal would be a mistake. - We’ve been thinking of having Jewel utilized in more ways (as well as Jade and Crystal). Frisky - The ecosystem and economics are tied around the current structure. - Unforeseen ramifications from messing with this. - The Bazaar will use various types of tokens on different chains. Question 9 Hubert, you mentioned not wanting to mess with genes. Any thoughts on having a cosmetic shell where the innate genetics don’t change, but players can acquire “skins”? Hubert - Our plan is for equipment to be visible on Heroes. - Once Weapons and Armor and Accessories are available, they will change Hero appearance. - Have discussed a “skin” system. - Haven’t thought about changing hair styles, or other cosmetic traits. - Attached to Equipment. So will approach this in the future when that releases.

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DeFi KingdomsJEWEL #917
02 Jun 2023, 10:06
Question 10 Any chance we can get the chart for Jewel fixed on CoinGecko (and others)? Bolon - We’ve been in contact with all of them. - Lots of back and forth. Takes forever. - CoinMarketCap is correct. - DrZipper is working on an API endpoint for them. - We are not happy about it either. Question 11 What is the next anticipated update? Frisky - The Bazaar. Front End is being worked on. - Audit done, adjusting some things based on it. - Theoretically considering buying NFTs across chain with native tokens. Working it out (not related to next release in the immediate) Question 12 Any thoughts on having a Dark Summoning concept for pets? Hubert - We do. Trade 2 pets in for a new Egg. - Mimicking the current Dark Summon is not a priority for pets, may never be. Question 13 Thoughts on a bridge toll? Between CV and SD, or a CD between the ability to bridge. Hubert - Not sure if this will solve anything. Would be counter productive. - It’s possible, but we have plans for there to incentivize bridging. Frisky - We’ve thrown around ideas about this. But nothing seems to really jive with what we have planned. Question 14 What about gas fees on CV? And Klaytn gas rebate? Magnus - Quest Core v3 is the most heavily used. - No free lunch when adding computation. More logic means more gas. - Have been doing analysis to find potential optimization areas. Working through the easier of the possibilities. - Has already lead to some gas reduction. - Overhauled calculations on storing on chain. Refactoring constantly. Bolon - Klaytn gas rebate is on pause due to some organizational changes on Klaytn. Frisky - There’s been a lot of flux with their internals, but we’ll follow up. Question 15 Thoughts on a Hero Quest History log? Frisky - I would love there to be somewhere in game to see the transactions of a Hero. - Hard to find History of a Hero. We do track them and store that data. - API doesn’t currently expose those. Analytics system does. - Wants to bring that to the Front End display for users. - Local storage would be nice, but there are local device issues as you switch from one to another. - New Feature mentioned (undisclosed name) that would benefit from this integration. Question 16 Thoughts on Skill 10 Profession Quests and Moksha runes? Hubert - The chance did not change to retrieve these between Skill 0 and 10. - Discussion has involved retrieving these more likely from Combat. - Potentially trade in other resources for one (floated idea). - Does not think the drop rate will change. Bolon - Runic Discovery pet bonus applies to both Shvas and Moksha, FYI.
Question 10. Any chance we can get the chart for Jewel fixed on CoinGecko (and others). Bolon.
Question 10 Any chance we can get the chart for Jewel fixed on CoinGecko (and others)? Bolon - We’ve been in contact with all of them. - Lots of back and forth. Takes forever. - CoinMarketCap is correct. - DrZipper is working on an API endpoint for them. - We are not happy about it either. Question 11 What is the next anticipated update? Frisky - The Bazaar. Front End is being worked on. - Audit done, adjusting some things based on it. - Theoretically considering buying NFTs across chain with native tokens. Working it out (not related to next release in the immediate) Question 12 Any thoughts on having a Dark Summoning concept for pets? Hubert - We do. Trade 2 pets in for a new Egg. - Mimicking the current Dark Summon is not a priority for pets, may never be. Question 13 Thoughts on a bridge toll? Between CV and SD, or a CD between the ability to bridge. Hubert - Not sure if this will solve anything. Would be counter productive. - It’s possible, but we have plans for there to incentivize bridging. Frisky - We’ve thrown around ideas about this. But nothing seems to really jive with what we have planned. Question 14 What about gas fees on CV? And Klaytn gas rebate? Magnus - Quest Core v3 is the most heavily used. - No free lunch when adding computation. More logic means more gas. - Have been doing analysis to find potential optimization areas. Working through the easier of the possibilities. - Has already lead to some gas reduction. - Overhauled calculations on storing on chain. Refactoring constantly. Bolon - Klaytn gas rebate is on pause due to some organizational changes on Klaytn. Frisky - There’s been a lot of flux with their internals, but we’ll follow up. Question 15 Thoughts on a Hero Quest History log? Frisky - I would love there to be somewhere in game to see the transactions of a Hero. - Hard to find History of a Hero. We do track them and store that data. - API doesn’t currently expose those. Analytics system does. - Wants to bring that to the Front End display for users. - Local storage would be nice, but there are local device issues as you switch from one to another. - New Feature mentioned (undisclosed name) that would benefit from this integration. Question 16 Thoughts on Skill 10 Profession Quests and Moksha runes? Hubert - The chance did not change to retrieve these between Skill 0 and 10. - Discussion has involved retrieving these more likely from Combat. - Potentially trade in other resources for one (floated idea). - Does not think the drop rate will change. Bolon - Runic Discovery pet bonus applies to both Shvas and Moksha, FYI.