Hello everyone. We discovered two small bugs in the Bazaar, both of which have now been corrected.

01 Aug 2023, 21:28
Hello everyone! We discovered two small bugs in the Bazaar, both of which have now been corrected! First, during the editing of orders, there was a fringe case where the price could be taken in WEI (a fraction of JEWEL, rather than JEWEL itself). This has been resolved and the only case we have seen has been addressed. If you believe you’ve been impacted (received less JEWEL than expected for selling an item), please reach out to an admin! Second, the Master Merchant Power-Up was applying Tier 2 as an individual 0.4% discount, rather than a cumulative 0.5% discount, meaning those with the Tier 2 Power-Up did not get their full discount. This has also been resolved. There are 31 wallets impacted on a total of 117 orders. For any orders that have been fulfilled or get fulfilled by Friday, August 4th at 11:59PM EDT with the incorrect discount, we will be airdropping a refund of the 0.1% difference. If you have the Tier 2 Master Merchant Power-Up and have open buy or sell orders, we recommend cancelling and re-posting them in order to have the correct discount applied. Orders with the incorrect discount fulfilled after Friday, August 4th 11:59PM EDT will not be refunded. We are glad to see the wonderful reception the Bazaar has received so far and, as always, thank you for your patience and support!