Good release day, Kingdom. We've got a collection of shiny new features coming your way today and many more in the pipeline.

22 Dec 2022, 06:49
Good release day, Kingdom! We’ve got a collection of shiny new features coming your way today and many more in the pipeline. Check em out! Hero Card Data Treasure Trove If there’s any doubt just how deep the Hero genes can get, this feature should help alleviate that notion. Additional pages on the back of each Hero card will now show you a whole slew of data to compare, including: - Hero Primary abilities, game genes, and visual genes - Hero recessive game genes - Hero recessive visual genes - Hero summon history (with additional info coming soon) Hover over any attribute in the list to see its name / value and rarity, if applicable. In addition, the Hero dex will let you select the Hero data page you want to view for all Hero cards, so you can compare dominant and recessive stats to find that perfect Hero combo. Having all this data available in-game should make it much easier to manage Heroes all in one place. One final update from this batch includes renaming genes on the frontend that were previously labeled Transcendent as Exalted instead (to align with the intended cataloging for those appendage and hair style rarities, and the current class and ability rarities). The API will be updated to reflect those changes in the near future. Tainted Genes As part of this genetic exploration, we have begun the process of identifying Heroes who may be subject to rerolling certain genes that have been tainted from the original 19 Heroes on Serendale 1.0. A badge will display on the Hero and the data pages should highlight the affected genes in red. Unfortunately, the process of identifying tainted genes is somewhat manual at the moment so newly summoned Heroes may not show the tainted badge until we update them in our API. For the time being, looking at the prospective summoning Heroes should help determine whether a tainted gene is a possibility. A real-time solution for showing tainted Hero genes is already in progress. New UI Sounds and Sound Menu As you load up the game, you may notice that the world and interface sound a whole lot more… full of sound! Big props to Sam and to our sound designers for helping populate the world with an absolute smorgasbord of aural delights. And if you prefer the sound of silence, head to the new sound settings menu and adjust master volume, music volume, FX volume, or UI volume to accommodate your individual preferences. Maybe you’re just a music person. No shame in that! New Inventory UI Pop open your inventory bag to check out the brand new (and beautiful) design. Props to Cabby for the excellent UI updates. This updated version allows you to quickly filter your items and only see what’s important to you. In addition, it lists your power token balance, JEWEL balance, gold balance, and raffle ticket balance at a glance. We’re excited to continue improving the inventory as we look towards additional item types in the future. And most importantly, now you’ll never lose those bloaters again! Cross-chain Stone Carver Now that we’re up and running reliably on 2 chainz again, we can fully embrace the opportunities that brings. Like with the Stone Carver, who will travel between the realms after closing down shop at either one of his camps. His gnomes Garth in Crystalvale and Gareth in Serendale will keep you appraised of his goings-on and let you know when he will (or is expected to) arrive. Catch him while you can, he’s a tricky one! Check out our updated article to get the low-down on the changes: