Good release day, Kingdom.

10 Aug 2023, 18:19
Good release day, Kingdom! As a continuation of our efforts to make DeFi Kingdoms more accessible to new and current players alike, we're excited to introduce some additional quality of life improvements that should do just that. Check them out! Wallet-less Game Access For as long as DeFi Kingdoms has been around (almost two years but who's counting), it's been locked behind a requirement to connect or create a wallet first. But no longer! Instead, players can view and explore the full realm of Crystalvale, browse the Pet and Hero taverns, and get a sense for how the game looks and feels before committing to wallet creation and connection. Any features that normally require wallet connectivity will prompt the user to create or connect their wallet. This should help quite a bit with our efforts to simplify the onboarding and acquisition process for new players, including linking from our marketing materials straight into the appropriate features, allowing cursory mobile browser access, and browsing for NFT purchases prior to connection. We're stoked to have this in place to accommodate all the upcoming and exciting new features that will take advantage of this functionality. Power-Up Hero Management In an effort to improve Hero management for the Power-Up system, we've added the following quality of life improvements: API updates that will improve tracking between realms in order to maintain transferred Hero statuses. Clearer callouts for transferred Heroes and a simplified method for removing transferred Heroes through a new Remove All button. Allow users to remove transferred Heroes from Power-Ups that were originally activated by their previous owners. Add a Remove All button for Heroes when cancelling Power-Ups. Improved user experience when subscribing to Power-Ups after previously emergency withdrawing with Power-Ups still active. Improved user experience when withdrawing from the Jeweler without first cancelling Power-Ups. These additions should hopefully further simplify the process for managing Heroes via the Power-Up system. Duels Season 5 continues to progress and we're excited about the new features that will accompany that release when it's ready. Our dev and QA teams are hard at work making sure everything functions as expected. Thanks again for your support, patience, and for being an awesome community! And of course, godspeed and good questing!