Good afternoon, @everyone.

02 Mar 2023, 22:26
Good afternoon, @everyone! While people are busy at Denver and Beetle isn’t looking, we’re sneaking in another off-cycle mini release! As mentioned during the AMA, we are dropping a little update for Duels to make it quicker and easier to fight multiple duels at a time, with the addition of a new fight button up top. This goes well with the ability to select up to ten entries when entering a lobby. Note that larger duels such as Squad and Warr do use more gas on the chain, and there is a limit to the amount of gas that can fit into a single block, so while you can fight up to 10 Solo duels at a time in a single transaction, you can only do 5 Squad duels and 3 Warr duels at a time on DFK Chain. Klaytn has even tighter restrictions due to the 1 second finality, so the limits are tighter there as well, with 5 Solo, 2 Squad, and 1 Warr possible at a time. We’re working more on optimizing the gas usage there to try and get those numbers up. Many other tweaks were made such as showing how many times a duel entry has been matched, displaying duel results via pagination, and other QoL tweaks. For you builders out there, there is a new method called completeDuels(count) that you can call to take advantage of this method. Thanks everyone and happy dueling!