@everyone sorry for another ping, hope you all enjoyed the fire drill.

06 May 2023, 18:22
@everyone sorry for another ping, hope you all enjoyed the fire drill 🤣 A moderator did have their Discord compromised, even through the 2FA protections. Their permissions were immediately revoked in this server, as well as our international Discord servers. (Not to put the poor guy on blast but....) if MrThunder is in any server you run, I'd suggest removing him until he regains his account. Hopefully it's only his Discord he's lost. That said, this has no impact or risk whatsoever to the protocol. His only permissions were in Discord, there's no exposure. Unfortunately, the way Discord settings are configured, the ability to set slowmode is the same permission as changing a channels name and even deleting it. It's all or nothing. For the sake of slowmode, our moderators have had access to that permission, which is what allowed the attacker to delete and re-arrange channels. We've removed that permission from our amazing Knights for the time being for security. Thank you all for being the amazing community you are, thank you to all of our Mod/ knights for being phenomenal moderators and a hugely impactful part of DFK, and now back to your regularly scheduled programming!