@everyone Hello.

01 Feb 2023, 02:17
@everyone Hello! We mentioned in our AMAs a couple times that we wanted to have a vote for opinions only on how we should proceed with opening DFKChain. That vote is now live for the next ~47 hours at https://vote.defikingdoms.com/#/proposal/0x2e46c755df22198fb6894b21f0c98bc6a0c92d958d30078dd7bc15933c7b45fa! Some background info: The speed, efficiency, and cost of a blockchain are all impacted by the amount of data that is written to the chain. In itself, a project or smart contract being launched on the chain will not have a significant impact on the chain. However, it is possible for malicious actors to write a smart contract with the only purpose of continuously storing data onto the chain, in order to have a negative impact. As DFKChain is set up right now, we have very low gas fees and high throughput, which could make it very efficient and cheap for an individual with ill intent to launch contracts of that nature if we do not have protections in place. Right now, that protection is our allowlist, where individuals must apply and meet with the Kingdom Studios team before we would agree to give their wallet permissions to launch contracts on DFKChain. With the allowlist, it is an all-or-nothing setup. Once a wallet has allowlist permissions, they can be revoked, but it would not change what had already been deployed. Therefore, even that is not foolproof, as someone could be looking to launch their contracts, get allowlist permissions, and then launch malicious contracts instead. Additionally, it is not decentralized, as we maintain control over who has permissions to launch contracts. As we have said before, we want to have DFKChain be an open chain, where builders are able to come and have the freedom to launch their projects and improve the ecosystem, but we want to ensure that the ecosystem is also protected, which brings us here. We have brainstormed a few possible options for maximizing openness and protection, and we want your feedback. We have opened a ranked choice vote on snapshot.org, our usual voting site, where you, our community, can weigh in with your opinions on the options below. Additionally, we have opened https://talk.defikingdoms.com/contribute/opening-dfk-chain-rfc-feedback/, where you can submit additional ideas. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR COMMENT VOTE, AND IS NOT BINDING. This is still in the brainstorming phase, so we are looking for input. The results of this vote do not dictate the course that will be taken, and indeed, we may have follow up votes as we narrow down these options or even add additional options. If you do have an idea that you think could be a solution, please let us know on the talk site. Our current internal leanings are toward Option 5, to have an automatic allowlist process that includes a Terms of Service and allows our community, through governance, to remove bad actors and their data. This would first require a breach of the Terms of Service, so those following them would be in no danger. However, this preferred route could change as other options come to light and are considered.