@everyone Good release day, Kingdom.

11 May 2023, 03:42
@everyone Good release day, Kingdom! The "Hero's Best Friend" patch marches ever onward and today's portion of the release is definitely the largest one so far. I mean just check out our feature-studded lineup today: Pet Treat Crafting, Premium Provisions Power-Up, Pet Bonding, Pet Feeding, and Duels Season 4 with equipped Pet bonuses. In other words, prepare yourself for a novel in today's patch notes... Pet Treat Crafting Now that Sheldon and his counterpart in Serendale, Ned, have fully perfected their Pet Treat recipes, they are ready to share them with the world. You can find each of them in their respective marketplaces and their shops are fully open for business. Choose your preferred treat type (more info on the differences between those below), the two ingredients you'd like to use, and your quantity. Then queue up as many combinations of treats and ingredients as you want before popping the whole batch in the oven and baking them all up together. Here's a quick breakdown between the two treat types: - Regular Treats: contains just enough nutrients to keep your pet full for 3 days or 4 days with Premium Provisions Power-Up (more info on the Power-Up below). - Premium Treats: packed full of enough nutrients to keep your pet full for 10 days or 14 days with Premium Provisions Power-Up. Also, will provide an additional 2% XP bonus when questing (once utility is finished) I know it's a lot of options but hopefully you can decide on the treat that's perfect for your favorite pets and... some of your less favorite. Note: Pet Treats are ERC20 tokens that can be traded, bridged and sent to other wallets. Craft 10, Get 1 Promotion As part of the release today, we will be launching our Craft 10, Get 1 Promotion where you will receive a bonus treat for every 10 treats you craft in the same transaction. This only applies to the same treat type, so if you craft 10 Regular Treats and 10 Premium Treats in the same transaction, you would get one of each as a bonus, delivered at time of crafting. This promotion will last for 24 hours after release. Premium Provisions Power-Up As mentioned above, the Premium Provisions Power-Up will really give your Pet Treats the edge you need in your baking process. Some quality ingredients you can only find through suppliers who require a little extra coin. In this case, you will need to stake 500 c/sJEWEL in order to activate this Power-Up and it will add 1 day of fullness to your pets from Regular Pet Treats and 4 days of fullness to your pets from Premium Pet Treats, while active. Why skip out on the good stuff for you fluffy friends? Power up your treat crafting prowess! Pet Bonding So it's finally time to pair your Heroes with the Pets that will complement them the most. A Berserker with a bloater? Perfection! A Dreadknight with a Hydra? Magnificent! To start the equipping process, head into your Hero view and select Manage Equipment or click the brand new icons on your Hero's card. In the equipment menu, you'll see all the slots coming in the future (I'm particularly excited to see these in-game). Down at the bottom you'll find your Pet attachment where you can click to start the bonding process. Make sure you have at least one freshly-baked treat to ensure the Pet really bonds with their new partner. Select the treat, queue up the bonding ritual, and finalize. You've done it! That Pet and Hero will be bonded until you decide otherwise.

Same news in other sources

DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi KingdomsJEWEL #917
11 May 2023, 18:30
@everyone There was some MetaMask mobile fun with Pet Treat Crafting but that has been taken care of! Go forth and craft! In order to account for those impacted, the Craft 10, Get 1 Free Promotion has been extended to 11:28am EDT on May 12th (tomorrow)
@everyone There was some MetaMask mobile fun with Pet Treat Crafting but that has been taken care of. Go forth and craft.
@everyone There was some MetaMask mobile fun with Pet Treat Crafting but that has been taken care of! Go forth and craft! In order to account for those impacted, the Craft 10, Get 1 Free Promotion has been extended to 11:28am EDT on May 12th (tomorrow)
DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi KingdomsJEWEL #917
11 May 2023, 03:43
@everyone 2 quick notes 1. Yes, you can craft more than 10 treats in 1 tx, as long as they’re the same type, you’ll get the free treat for each multiple of 10 (Craft 100, get 10 free) 2. Duels Season end date is displaying wrong, we’re already on it. It’ll be an 8 week season as always
@everyone 2 quick notes.
@everyone 2 quick notes 1. Yes, you can craft more than 10 treats in 1 tx, as long as they’re the same type, you’ll get the free treat for each multiple of 10 (Craft 100, get 10 free) 2. Duels Season end date is displaying wrong, we’re already on it. It’ll be an 8 week season as always
DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi KingdomsJEWEL #917
11 May 2023, 03:42
If you feel like your Pet could be used better elsewhere, you can break its bond with its partner (un-equip) or swap with another Pet in one transaction. One thing to note is that the bond-breaking process is particularly hard on Pets and they will be too sad to bond with another Hero for 24 hours. Even so, we've made Pet management painless by allowing you to queue up as many bond making, breaking, and swap actions as you want and run them in a single set of transactions. So go crazy, mix, match, and find the best combination for your stable of Pets and Heroes! Transferring & Bridging Bonded Pets With the addition of Pet equipping, we have also added the ability to transfer or bridge both Hero and Pet at the same time when a Pet is bonded. That means both bridging and sending Heroes will also send their bonded Pets at the same time. There are ample warnings in the interface to ensure that this is done intentionally. On the other hand, Pets which are bonded cannot be sent or bridged on their own and would need to have their bond broken before transferring. Pet Feeding Once Pets are equipped with the treat of your choice, they will slowly and inexorably become hungry again over time. And when a Pet is hungry, they won't have the strength to boost your Hero with their recently revealed bonuses. A well-fed Pet is a productive Pet, after all. Luckily, there's now a Pet Feeding view that's accessible from several places in the interface, including your main Pet View. Enter the Pet Feeding view and queue up as many hungry Pets as you want and finalize their feeding in a single set of transactions. And just like that, your Pets are back to their normal, helpful selves! In addition, Pets can be fed early, once they're within 12 hours of being hungry. Luckily, feeding them early will stack on their remaining full time so you can feed them as soon as their stomach starts to grumble. The same treat full times above apply to feeding your Pets, as well. DFK Duel Season 4 It's time for another season of Duel, and this time around, your Heroes can bring their favorite Pet into battle with them! Make sure their Pets are bonded and fed and send them off to the Arena to face their opponents. This season, Pets will provide a bonus based on their rarity: - Common: 1 point - Uncommon: 2 points - Rare: 3 points - Legendary: 4 points - Mythic: 5 points Any equipped Pet could make the difference between victory and defeat, so make sure to equip them early and often. In addition to Pet bonuses, Duel has now been updated to only matchmake the player's pending Duels rather than any pending in the pool. And finally, there have been some adjustments to some of the higher rank point requirements. We're hoping the addition of Pets as a variable in this season will get people excited to kit up their Heroes and rush into battle! And that's all for today! Which is actually just a huge amount, to be honest. We have one final section of the "Hero's Best Friend" patch that we're continuing to build, test, and refine until it's ready to roll out but we are beyond excited to be so close to finishing this huge effort. Thanks again for being an amazing community. Godspeed and good bonding! Note: currently the primary use case for equipping Pets is participating in DFK Duel Season 4, with Quest Utility as the next release, so if you aren't planning on participating, you may wish to wait until the remaining Pet Utility is released in the subsequent / final portions.
If you feel like your Pet could be used better elsewhere, you can break its bond with its partner (un-equip) or swap with anothe
If you feel like your Pet could be used better elsewhere, you can break its bond with its partner (un-equip) or swap with another Pet in one transaction. One thing to note is that the bond-breaking process is particularly hard on Pets and they will be too sad to bond with another Hero for 24 hours. Even so, we've made Pet management painless by allowing you to queue up as many bond making, breaking, and swap actions as you want and run them in a single set of transactions. So go crazy, mix, match, and find the best combination for your stable of Pets and Heroes! Transferring & Bridging Bonded Pets With the addition of Pet equipping, we have also added the ability to transfer or bridge both Hero and Pet at the same time when a Pet is bonded. That means both bridging and sending Heroes will also send their bonded Pets at the same time. There are ample warnings in the interface to ensure that this is done intentionally. On the other hand, Pets which are bonded cannot be sent or bridged on their own and would need to have their bond broken before transferring. Pet Feeding Once Pets are equipped with the treat of your choice, they will slowly and inexorably become hungry again over time. And when a Pet is hungry, they won't have the strength to boost your Hero with their recently revealed bonuses. A well-fed Pet is a productive Pet, after all. Luckily, there's now a Pet Feeding view that's accessible from several places in the interface, including your main Pet View. Enter the Pet Feeding view and queue up as many hungry Pets as you want and finalize their feeding in a single set of transactions. And just like that, your Pets are back to their normal, helpful selves! In addition, Pets can be fed early, once they're within 12 hours of being hungry. Luckily, feeding them early will stack on their remaining full time so you can feed them as soon as their stomach starts to grumble. The same treat full times above apply to feeding your Pets, as well. DFK Duel Season 4 It's time for another season of Duel, and this time around, your Heroes can bring their favorite Pet into battle with them! Make sure their Pets are bonded and fed and send them off to the Arena to face their opponents. This season, Pets will provide a bonus based on their rarity: - Common: 1 point - Uncommon: 2 points - Rare: 3 points - Legendary: 4 points - Mythic: 5 points Any equipped Pet could make the difference between victory and defeat, so make sure to equip them early and often. In addition to Pet bonuses, Duel has now been updated to only matchmake the player's pending Duels rather than any pending in the pool. And finally, there have been some adjustments to some of the higher rank point requirements. We're hoping the addition of Pets as a variable in this season will get people excited to kit up their Heroes and rush into battle! And that's all for today! Which is actually just a huge amount, to be honest. We have one final section of the "Hero's Best Friend" patch that we're continuing to build, test, and refine until it's ready to roll out but we are beyond excited to be so close to finishing this huge effort. Thanks again for being an amazing community. Godspeed and good bonding! Note: currently the primary use case for equipping Pets is participating in DFK Duel Season 4, with Quest Utility as the next release, so if you aren't planning on participating, you may wish to wait until the remaining Pet Utility is released in the subsequent / final portions.