@everyone Good release day and happy new year, Kingdom. Today marks the first release of 2023.

05 Jan 2023, 02:14
@everyone Good release day and happy new year, Kingdom! Today marks the first release of 2023! And we’re barreling full-steam into the new year with the start of DFK Duel and raffles on Serendale and a whole slew of quality of life updates to boot! DFK Duel The first season of DFK Duel has officially started in Serendale! Get your power-house Hero parties ready to battle it out with the rest of the field. Although this season will be starting a little late (three weeks), we plan to maintain the same schedule across realms so February 8th will be the final day for both. But to account for the shortened season, we will be cutting down the required XP to reach each rank reward, relative to the remaining time left (effectively 5/8ths of the original values). This should give you the chance to climb those rankings and secure some of those sweet rank rewards. Plus, both Crystalvale and Serendale will maintain their own rank rewards so you can churn and earn in both realms. Note: you can transfer Heroes between realms for dueling but still not between wallets. Now get out there and fight! Serendale Raffles With the introduction of raffles in both realms, we will be making a few changes to ensure that we’re maintaining a proper balance between realms. To that end, the total number of raffles running in each realm will be cut in half to distribute properly between each. Part of this update will also include the ability to bridge raffle tickets between realms, so you can maintain a pool of tickets in a single realm if you want or distribute them strategically. Good raffling! Jeweler NPCs If you visit the Jeweler in either realm, you’ll notice a couple new faces. In Crystalvale, Durnan Gearspinner has been hard at work with his research team studying the peculiar qualities of JEWEL and may be approaching a breakthrough. His fellow coworkers also received a fine makeover from our very own SBD. And all the way on the other side of the Seas in the Serendale Jeweler, Wizzle von Sniksnak is doing his own brand of research in the vault. Possibly without express permission… But still, he’s making progress on a truly powerful use for JEWEL. Keep a close eye on these two! Gardens Optimizations This update has been a long time coming but we finally have the Gardens optimized and cached so you don’t have to stare at a loading spinner every time you open up your Gardening quests. We’ll continue to monitor and improve this portion of the game to ensure smooth and snappy interactions with your LP tokens. The bun-buns demand it! Multi-quest Improvements In our continued effort to improve multi-questing in Serendale, we’ve made the following adjustments and improvements: - On desktop, updated the multi-quest start queue to only require quests to wait between transactions when they utilize future stamina. We plan to improve this even more in the future by reducing the required wait for quests that do utilize future stamina. - On desktop, updated the multi-quest complete queue to no longer require waiting between transactions. - Note: On mobile, waiting between transactions is still required as MetaMask mobile is unable to manage multiple transactions at a time.

Same news in other sources

DeFi Kingdoms
DeFi KingdomsJEWEL #917
05 Jan 2023, 02:14
New Features - At the Locked JEWEL manager, you can now see an accurate countdown to when your 72-hour transfer cooldown will be completed. - Improved mobile inventory experience (more room, replaced category icons with dropdown). - Added refresh button for Current Raffles. - Show total active quest number on the menu button. - Added highest stat and background for each Hero while selecting a team for Duel. - Added back quick select options for the Active Quest complete queue. The "Select Max" option iterates each quest before adding them to the queue, while the others queue quests instantly (these options may be faster for most users). - Added Purchase Pet option from the Hatcher to go directly to Pet sales. Bug Fixes - Resolved issue where logging out of Metamask and back in wouldn’t reload token balances. - Misc bugs discarded in the snowy tundra of Crystalvale. Coming Up As per usual, here’s a select list of items that are currently progressing with various departments across the team (again, this list is not in any particular order and doesn’t represent all items being worked on). - Hero Hub UI rework - Power-up Framework - Level 10 Profession quests / Pet feeding and utility - PVP combat and integration - Gardens UI rework - In-game Chat - Profile Achievements - Green Egg Pet Art and Lore 🐰 I hope everyone is having a truly wonderful new year so far! We’re looking forward to all the amazing things we get to bring your way over the next 360-something odd days. Thanks for being an awesome community and for your on-going support. Godspeed and good dueling in 2023!
New Features.
New Features - At the Locked JEWEL manager, you can now see an accurate countdown to when your 72-hour transfer cooldown will be completed. - Improved mobile inventory experience (more room, replaced category icons with dropdown). - Added refresh button for Current Raffles. - Show total active quest number on the menu button. - Added highest stat and background for each Hero while selecting a team for Duel. - Added back quick select options for the Active Quest complete queue. The "Select Max" option iterates each quest before adding them to the queue, while the others queue quests instantly (these options may be faster for most users). - Added Purchase Pet option from the Hatcher to go directly to Pet sales. Bug Fixes - Resolved issue where logging out of Metamask and back in wouldn’t reload token balances. - Misc bugs discarded in the snowy tundra of Crystalvale. Coming Up As per usual, here’s a select list of items that are currently progressing with various departments across the team (again, this list is not in any particular order and doesn’t represent all items being worked on). - Hero Hub UI rework - Power-up Framework - Level 10 Profession quests / Pet feeding and utility - PVP combat and integration - Gardens UI rework - In-game Chat - Profile Achievements - Green Egg Pet Art and Lore 🐰 I hope everyone is having a truly wonderful new year so far! We’re looking forward to all the amazing things we get to bring your way over the next 360-something odd days. Thanks for being an awesome community and for your on-going support. Godspeed and good dueling in 2023!