Additional Features and bug fixes:. But wait there's more.

20 Jul 2023, 23:41
Additional Features and bug fixes: But wait there's more! And I'm going to put them in bullet points because there's a lot of them: Improved timing and VFX where applicable for most abilities, especially defined skills from the first three classes. Updated graphics for active hero indicator and enemy target indicator. Improvements to the battle log to show accurate and standardized damage indicators, clear labels. Add base, scalable weapons and armors for all classes. Lock down abilities when mana depleted. Fix an issue where Priests could over-heal blubs and Heroes. Fix missing pop-up text issues. Additional misc bug fixes, tweaks, and improvements. Upcoming Features As mentioned in the AMA, we are still working through some final updates for the Bazaar and hope to have a final release candidate ready to go by next week but we will keep you posted on progress. In addition, Season 5 of DFK Duel will be delayed a little longer than normal in order to add an exciting new feature. Stay tuned! A friendly reminder that anything and everything in the Combat Testing Grounds is subject to change now and in the future. Don't ape into broken mechanics, etc, etc. If you run into any bugs, we encourage you to add them to our #combat-testing channel in Discord. And thanks again for being an amazing community and for your patience as we finish up these very exciting features. Godspeed and good fighting!